When you achieve your life goal to play football for Notre Dame at age 23, what comes next? Freshman Joe Schmidt knew he had botched an assignment during spring practice. A non-scholarship…
The bittersweet sting of leaving Notre Dame is softened a bit for John Doran (ACCT ’16) by the fact that he’ll be living not too far from South Bend after graduation. He’s accepted a job as a tax…
Laura Glassford’s other “job” draws from her lifelong passion for music Goofy, quirky, funny, weird. After even a brief encounter with Laura Glassford, those are the descriptors that most readily…
How does a finance major end up as Miss Rodeo America 2016? Katherine Merck found a way Nine years ago, a high school girl sat down to write her Notre Dame admission essay. “Share a unique interest…
There are many, many reasons people run the Boston marathon. Elizabeth Sadler’s motivation has a name: Dad. Three years ago, Elizabeth Sadler (MBA ’17) started to run. She was living in California…
Walking through Azraq refugee camp on the Syrian-Jordanian border one boiling day last August, Steve Lehmann (MBA ’14) felt despair tighten his chest. Whitewashed sheds no bigger than shipping…
Game Day! Minutes before kickoff, Drum Major Brandon Angelini steps out of the North Tunnel. Whistle clamped between his teeth and mace raised, he’s attired in a white and gold-braided uniform, a…
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